New World Order
So I went downstairs, half asleep and feeling a bit bewildered and out of sorts because of the thunderstorm, to look for him.
When I got to the livingroom he wasn't there~ so I called, "Taylor?"
"I'm on the toilet," he replied from behind the closed door of the downstairs bathroom. "You need to watch this!"
What in the hell was he talking about, 'You need to watch this' while he was on the pot?
The bathroom door opened a crack and his opened laptop appeared. He was on the Internet in the bathroom again.
"Watch this video. It's some scary shit!"
"Babe," I said, growing annoyed. "I'm freaking tired. Why aren't you in bed? I don't want to watch anything right now!"
"No you need to watch it now before the government takes it off of YouTube! Just watch it!"
Government banable information? I was intrigued. So, frustrated and wrinkling my nose, I grabbed the laptop and promptly shut the bathroom door to see what all the scariness was all about.
Lightning flashed and the rain beat down against the glass doors of the back patio as I sat on the couch wrapped up in my blanket, watching bleary-eyed as the New World Order flashed before my eyes.
It was his newest consipracy obsession. It reminded me much of the 9/11 conspiracy video he had me watch awhile back~ with the dramatically spooky Massive Attack (a la SNATCH) music and the creepy, almost robotic narration. The storm outside only made it all more unsettling and freaky....
But I was too fucking tired to absorb everything at that moment, and I only found myself more exasperated and irritated with the entire situation...not the New World Order, but the fact that my husband was up so late watching conspiracy theory videos while on the toilet- and I was actually sitting there watching this video in the middle of the night when I should be sleeping.
The last thing I really remember is the sound of the toilet flushing and Taylor emerging from the bathroom, ranting about the "Amero" and the American Union and microchips being implanted into everyone on the planet....
He reminded me of one of those crazy little old men who sit on their computers in the dark, wearing little homemade helmets made of foil so that the government can not read their brainwaves...and I envisioned him doing just that some day when we are super old and I was momentarily amused. But he was dead serious and I wasn't in the mood.
I believe we argued (mildly) as I made my way back up to bed, with him following me and trying to take advantage of my sleepy state, attempting to convince me of the "truth" that we have all been shielded from- and I, tired and bitchy, continued to play devil's advocate as I climbed back into bed and passed out.
This morning I rewatched the video after I got to work and checked my email, discovering that he had sent it to me anyways. It's an interesting concept, and with our government and the nature of mankind, it doesn't surprise me. I just hope I am dead and gone before the world gets to that point.
I suppose we will have the New World Order discussion again later when I am coherent and I will let him speak his peace. I'll see if he can sell me on it.
Here is the video: