Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Politico Schlomitico

For the first time in my adult life I have actually been closely following the presidential race. I credit this to Barack Obama.
Like religion, I don't care to argue about politics with people who oppose my choice of's completely pointless.

No one can win the argument when there are opposing views, and everyone involved just winds up looking like loud assholes who really don't know as much as they think they do-they fail to prove any actual point because they are just trying to talk over one another.

Instead of cheering their candidates on for the issues that they feel strongly about and promoting them for their greater good, most people talking politics instead choose to tear down the candidates that they DON'T like and spout out word vomit and lose sight of the point of the bigger fucking picture.

Taking shots at other candidates and focusing on an intense dislike for that candidate, talking shit and spreading candidate bashing instead of focusing that energy on the candidate you actually are rooting for and providing constructive information on your choice of candidate- well the negavitity that some people choose to advocate instead of choosing to advocate the postive- those things embody to me the whole reason that I was turned off of politics for so long in the first place.

I like Obama's style. He focuses on his own agenda instead of being an asshole and taking shots at the others- this is inspiring to me. He gives me hope that this country will be able to crawl out of the stale hole we have sunken into.

Why he "scares" so many people I have no idea. Is it because of his name? Because of his skin color? What in the hell is so scary about this man? I believe that this fear comes out of ignorance and dumb ass fools buying into the racist/discriminatory chainmail being spread on the Internet. I have been AMAZED at how many people follow the other lemmings off of the cliff in this respect.

I believe that, when faced with someone who chooses to talk out of their ass because they don't really have a real grip on any legitimate point, it's important to just remember where you stand and what you are all about. What other people think about who you like for president is irrelevent, and I've learned that when people want to try to knock you down from where you stand,, the important thing is to remember that they are doing just that and not to let them phase you.

Too many people want to get heated and run their mouths...they TALK but fail to SPEAK...they HEAR but they refuse to LISTEN.

I'm all down for listening if that person wants to speak like an intelligent grown up instead of yelling and bitching and shit talking like a fucking baby...and I'm all down for conversing if the other person is able to LISTEN to what I have to say as well.

You know, a civilized, back and forth conversation. I have found FEW people, those who both agree with/oppose of my perspective, who are able to do this. Everyone else has come across as angry and bitter and pissed off...talking themselves in circles and getting no where because they just want to BLAH BLAH BLAH HEARSAY HEARSAY HEARSAY.

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