Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Asian Food Challenge

I think I'm going to set a new record for myself...I am going to see how many days in a row I can eat Asian food without getting sick of it.

Not sure it is possible for me to get sick of it, but we will see. I have quite the iron stomach and high tolerance for rice and noodles and veggies and fish and all things Asian.


Since I have no kitchen as of right now, and its guttage and remodel is slowly but slowly coming together (did I mention slowly?), I am having to survive and fend for myself through outside means.

Monday it was Pho. Tuesday it was fine homemade Asian cuisine at mom's house, Wednesday was sushi, tonight it will be the Korean House (!!!!), and tomorrow I'm thinking Pho again...

I can't get enough. I am thinking that if I keep things mixed up, I can pull off quite an impressive record of straight Asian food consumption.

I want to go to the Super Cao Nguyen and stock up on my groceries, like I had been doing before my house went into remodel overdrive, but there is no point since I have no place to play.

I miss having a kitchen. I miss grocery shopping and cooking and even cleaning up my mess and doing dishes. It will be worth the hassle that I am currently dealing with, I know, but for now, figuring out meal situations is getting so old and inconvenient.

The only way I have discovered to make my dilemma more tolerable and interesting is to challenge myself to an Asian food duel...with myself.

The part of me that loves burritos and nachos, my second favorite genre, doesn't stand a chance.

Go team ME! If I'm not careful, I could very well convert the Caucasian half of my DNA to Pacific Islander (for the layman, Pacific Islander is my technical form of "Asian" ethnicity. Take note!)...then I could very well become full-blooded.

Not that I care to. I like being a Mixie! It keeps things mysterious.


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