Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Sally Kern is an A-Hole

I believe that Kern is an ignorant bible beating old Cronie who is so out of tune with the "average American" that she might as well be living in a fucking cave.

It is so embarrassing to our state and to those of us who live here for her to proclaim that her delusional views represent the "average American." What she means is that she represents your average right-wing bible beating cronie American whose mindset is so behind on the times that they fail to recognize that homosexuality has ALWAYS existed in human culture- and every culture all over the world since the beginning of time- and that the culture we live in right now is NOT the same culture that Americans lived in 200 years ago.

Being able to be open about who you are and accepted as a human being is called social progress! It’s called social evolution! White Protestant men are not the only people with civil rights and liberties anymore. If we still existed in the same culture as we did 200 years ago (as Kern has stated she wants to see it be), that bitch wouldn’t even be sitting on her high horse as any kind of representative of the people...her ass would be at home chained to a kitchen stove, churning butter, wearing a bonnet and getting slapped around by her husband for having any kind of opinion because it was still "God’s word" to beat your wife.

KERN: "I wasn’t saying that you guys were a cancer," the legislator says to Dr. Jones. "I was saying that the effect is the very same as a cancer. If God’s people do not stand up and proclaim God’s word, which teaches that homosexuality is a sin; and if we try to just ignore it and let it become mainstream and take on the mentality that you folks want, that it’s a normal lifestyle, then that is going to spread through our culture, and we will no longer have the same kind of culture we’ve had for over 200 years. That’s all I meant."

Are you KIDDING me? No wonder so many people in the rest of the country look at Oklahoma as some sort of backwoods state full of ignorant, uneducated hicks. Look what some of our "representatives" have to contribute to the world. Kern talks about how the agenda of homosexuality is to tear down the "bedrock foundation of our society- which is family and traditional marriage."

Family- most definitely. But the definition of family has evolved as well. If she is talking about the traditional nuclear family as the standard, that ship has long sailed. Traditional marriage is fab- I’m traditionally married- but it’s no longer the standard and only option anymore. It hasn’t been for a LONG time in regards to FAMILY- it’s just one of many lifestyles now- and there’s nothing wrong with anything that is not "traditional." There are adoptive families, same sex partner families, single friends who consider themselves families, unmarried families, BLENDED families...and blended families are the very product of divorce- something that was traditionally considered a "sin" by the church, am I right? If a gay couple wants to be wife and wife or husband and husband, so what? Traditional marriage standards in this country has already strayed beyond "repair." I believe that heterosexual American couples are the ones who have already accomplished destroying the bedrock foundation of our society- are they not the ones who have made the divorce rate in traditional marriages in this country a JOKE?

50 percent of all marriages in America end in divorce- HELLO. Those aren’t homosexual divorces tarnishing the "sanctity" of marriage. That is ALL heterosexual. Not to say that homosexuals wouldn’t be prone to divorce as well if they were able to marry, but hell, I don’t think they could do a whole lot worse than straight people have in partaking in that statistic.

As for the whole cancer thing- it’s interesting to me how people will claim to not be prejudice or sexist or racist or discriminatory in any way- yet they sneak in verbal vomit while dancing around their own point in an attempt to cover their asses in front of certain people- and at the heart of their point, underneath all of the smoke and mirrors, lies what they really are: prejudice assholes. Walking contradictions. HYPOCRITES in denial. Morons who are so blind to their own actions and behavior and words that are completely incapable of recognizing the deeply embedded damaged cores of their own natures.

Like the people who don’t consider themselves racist or discriminatory people- but will make racist/anti-gay jokes and remarks and comments anyways, failing to understand that the very act of uttering hateful things about others based on the color of their skin or whom they choose to love is in fact FUCKING PREJUDICED and promoting discrimination.

Even in this day and age, I believe that an overwhelming number of people are most definitely still prejudice and racist and sexist- it didn’t disappear with the Civil Rights Movement. It is just not socially acceptable anymore (thank goodness) to go around spewing racist/sexist commentary and jokes. It’s all under the radar now- it’s called "smiling discrimination."

I know PLENTY of people who still talk out of their asses like that, and in their own defenses, they will say things like "I am not racist- I have a black friend at work," or (via a Kern comment in the story below) "I have worked with individuals who are homosexual and I don’t hate them. I’ve never been rude to them."

Oh- but you will compare an aspect of their lifestyles and choices to CANCER and TERRORISM huh?

She’s right. That’s not being rude. THAT’S HATEFUL.

By promoting hate in this way, Kern is the one who represents the cancerous agenda in this country if you ask me.


Oklahoma House Rep. Sally Kern made an Easter Sunday appearance on KFOR-TV’s "Flash Point" to face off with an openly gay pastor, elaborating on her recent leaked speech and defending her views.

A spirited theological and political debate ensued between Rep. Kern, host Kevin Ogle, panelists Burns Hargis and Mike Turpen, and Dr. Scott Jones of Oklahoma City’s Cathedral of Hope.

"I was speaking to a group of Republicans; grassroots Republicans," Kern explained of the original speech, which gained worldwide attention after posted on the Internet by the Gay & Lesbian
Victory Fund, "and I was talking about the homosexual agenda, and how they are out there putting forth--funding very heavily--homosexual and pro-homosexual candidates to run against, and defeat, conservatives across the nation.

"I did talk about what I believe...scientific evidence, health evidence...proves that the homosexual lifestyle is a dangerous lifestyle. And, yes, I did compare it to being more dangerous than terrorism. And my point in doing that, gentlemen, was this: Everybody knows terrorism destroys and tears down, and that was the only analogy I was making is that the homosexual agenda, this lifestyle which is so destructive to individuals, is at the heart trying to tear down what is the bedrock foundation of our society, which is the family and traditional marriage."

"You don’t really believe that Scott," asks panelist Michael Turpen of Pastor Jones, "is more dangerous than Osama bin Laden, do you?"

"I believe that the...homosexual agenda, and the lifestyle that it involves, is deadly to this nation. Now, I was not saying that Scott here is personally as dangerous as Osama bin Laden, but I was just making a comparison to prove my point."

"Well, I would denounce hate speech of any kind," rebuts Jones, "and have in my public remarks in response to yours. And you have to understand that when you say that gay people are like cancer...and cancer is something that we eradicate; that we kill; or that we are worse than terrorists, and terrorists are people that we go after to annihilate, to kill, you have to understand why those words would outrage people, because what are you saying? That we should go after gay people and eradicate them or annihilate them?"

"I wasn’t saying that you guys were a cancer," the legislator says to Dr. Jones. "I was saying that the effect is the very same as a cancer. If God’s people do not stand up and proclaim God’s word, which teaches that homosexuality is a sin; and if we try to just ignore it and let it become mainstream and take on the mentality that you folks want, that it’s a normal lifestyle, then that is going to spread through our culture, and we will no longer have the same kind of culture we’ve had for over 200 years. That’s all I meant."

"You have to understand," appeals Jones, "that there are multiple churches, Christians, denominations, highly respected scholars who disagree with your interpretation and application of scripture.

"Sally," asks Turpen, "if you had a gay child--"

"--I would love them as much as anybody else," Rep. Kern answers. "I would love them more than any of my other children because they would have a greater need."

Kern also weighs in on her son, answering allegations that he was gay based on a 1989 arrest of a Jesse Jacob Kern on oral sodomy charges.

"In 1989, my Jesse Aaron Kern was 12 years old, and we lived in Boise, Idaho. He has never been arrested, and he has been interviewed, and he has said, ’I am not...I am straight!’"

"But if he were, I’d love him," she continues, "because God created us all in his image, OK? God has a wonderful plan for every single one of us. Sin is out to destroy God’s plan for our lives."

"How could you love a gay son," asks Turpen, "that you have said is more dangerous to this country...than a terrorist?"

"I said the ’homosexual agenda,’" counters Kern. "I was not talking about--I have worked with other individuals who are homosexual. I don’t hate them. I have never been rude to them."

Dr. Jones takes exceptional issue with Kern’s lecturing on gays’ involvement in the political process. Jones finds that it makes the lawmaker’s comments "more outrageous" because he contends that she, as an elected official, is essentially labeling a certain group of people participating in the democratic process as worse than terrorists.

"The agenda is worse than terrorists," Kern counters.

"It is never dangerous for any of our citizens to engage in the democratic process," she adds. "I wish more of them would."

"What I’m saying is: their agenda, what they want to put upon the American people, which have for years been considered a ’Christian nation,’ who had a moral basis, where people knew what right and wrong was; where people knew that this was considered sin and this was not considered sin--"

Jones interjects: "--So a group of people advocating for their equal civil and human rights is more dangerous to this country--"

"If a person is born black, they can’t change that," Kern explains. "You see, that’s the heart of this issue is the homosexuals believe they’re born that way. No medical research--"

"--Even Al Mohler, the president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, has agreed that all science is leading toward the idea that we are born that way."

"I disagree with that wholeheartedly," Kern says. "We’re all born with a sinful nature. I’m just as sinful as anybody else in this world."

"The American Medical Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the American Psychological Association all disagree with you, ma’am," Jones responds, "and they’re the people I would respect as having a mainstream view, and yours is in an extreme view."

"Mine is not an extreme view," counters Kern. "Mine is the view of the average American citizen, and I disagree with you."

"Why would somebody choose to be gay?" asks Turpen.

"Because of that sinful nature," Kern responds. "We can all choose to be whatever we want to be. You know, there are some people who have a propensity to have...a violent temper, and they have to learn to control that. They can’t go out and say ’that’s my propensity to be angry, so I’m going to engage in all the violence I want to."

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