Thursday, May 1, 2008

One Last Thing

Curse you, Krispy Kreme donut.

A) For your creators who, by misspelling your name, are contributing to increased illiteracy rates of future generations of humankind.

B) For taunting me mercilessly, sitting there in your box in the office break room, trying to lure me in with your 200+ calorie count charms.

C) For successfully luring me in with your 200+ calorie count charms, even though I already just ate a muffin before you decided to walk into my life.

D) For proving to me that just because there is a will, it doesn't necessarily mean that there is a way.

My skinny jeans have a bone to pick with you, and you definitely don't want to mess with my skinny jeans when they are hungry.

Damn you.

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