Thursday, April 10, 2008

I'll Whip you With My Bible Belt

Sometimes I am so disgusted with the Republican politics in my state that I find myself dry heaving and turning green when I read what they not only try to enforce, but are actually successful in achieving.

Rep. Oklahoma Senator Todd Lamb is in the process of trying to get a bill passed that will require abortion practitioners to give women seeking to terminate their pregnancies ultrasounds so that they may bear witness to their "sins." The bill is now in its final phase, at the hands of Gov. Henry.

This is a thousand invisible hands of a thousand invisible preachers playing God, when the bottom line is that it isn't their right to meddle in any woman's medical business.

I am wondering if Senator Tom Lamb has ever been required to have an over-sized, dildo-shaped foreign object stuck up in his private parts so he can take a first hand look at his internal baby making machinery. Does he have any idea how unpleasant that experience can be?

How could any man possibly understand and even fathom any remote physical or spiritual aspect of a woman's pregnancy whatsoever? Despite what they DO know, everything they actually know is second hand information- because they themselves will never be pregnant. Everything they have experienced is second hand experience. Until they themselves have gotten pregnant and have had something growing inside of their nonexistent wombs, male lawmakers need to BUTT OUT.

What gives any man, outside of the man who conceived the baby, the right to dictate anything that has anything to do with a woman's pregnancy?

Be religious and Pro-Life all you want, that's your choice. But we are all individuals and we all have our own lives and choices to consider. And those lives and choices are no one else's business.

I personally wouldn't be able to go through with an abortion, but I don't believe that any institution or establishment or ANYONE should have the right to govern what I do with my body or any other females body. It's our choice.

If they are so hell bent on reducing the number of abortions, how about they start with working on reducing the number of unwanted pregnancies by enforcing more effective sex education in schools? Preaching abstinence is obviously not an effective method here, you know, considering that Oklahoma has one of the top highest teen pregnancy rates in the entire country.

Maybe Lamb the boy genius should consider that and concentrate on that kind of prevention before advocating laws intrusive medical laws on pregnant women. This law to me is taking 10 steps back from any progress that the sexual revolution fought so hard to accomplish back in the day.

Everyone is entitled to their personal beliefs and opinions, but I am sick of Republican politicians forcing their religious bullshit agenda on those of us who don't agree and don't follow their faith.

Here are a couple of articles about the Oklahoma ultrasound law:

Bible Beating Politicians Continue to Play God

Democrats Argue that Bill will Demean and Humiliate Women

As for Sally Kern...tell me that this woman isn't just BEGGING for a shitpie in the face. Seriously.


On April 2, a huge flock of sheep gathered at our Capitol to bleat in support of their martyr. Check out the article below:

(and p.s. I guarantee you that the "reformed" gay man Stephen Black still likes men).

Sally Kern Continues to Be a Prejudice Asshole

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